Archives For Nathan Aaberg

Back in January of 2015, I wrote an essay called Beautiful Game, Beautiful Kingdom. It explored the idea that soccer could give us insights about the kingdom of God.

As I’ve been intensely watching the World Cup the last month, the ideas in the essay came to mind a number of times.

Have you had the experience where you go back to read something you’ve written some years ago, and it hasn’t aged well. That’s happened to me many times. Well, it’s hard to say this without sounding immodest, but I did go back to read it, and to my surprise, I think the core ideas have actually aged quite well. (The only caveat – I need to figure out how to get my ideas across more concisely!)

So I’m wriitng this post in part to invite you to read it if you haven’t done so already. Here’s one section that gives you a taste of the main idea:

Soccer is often called the beautiful game. Its beauty comes in part from its simplicity. Its beauty also comes from how a well-knit group of players can move and create like a single organism that elegantly improvises within the general structure of a formation. But much of the beauty comes from how artistry and creativity have grown out of the boundaries and limits the game imposes on its players in terms of how they control the ball. It is a supremely enjoyable and always surprising thing to see powerful athletes using fine and careful movements with their feet, knees, thighs, and other parts of their body to move and control and even caress the ball…

God’s kingdom operates in a similar way. We are called to operate on love and selflessness, which run counter to the world’s drive for power and self-promotion. God’s kingdom is about freedom within limits. God’s kingdom is a state of being where we submit to God’s will and recognize that there are things we could do that we shouldn’t do because they would harm others and God’s world.

Living a Christian life is about God’s will being done even when we are sorely wanting our will to be done.

This translates into lives that are beautiful in ways counter to the mainstream. Christians at their best seek to serve others. They bear crosses and the burdens of others. They have integrity. They seek out challenges and work to mend brokenness in the world. They care for orphans and widows and the poor. They give generously and find ways to make ends meet while doing so. They try to create spiritual communities among diverse people. They submit to each other voluntarily. They take time for others and for God. They pursue peace.They love their enemies. They speak up for what is right even when that threatens their safety.

As I’ve watched this World Cup, which in the eyes of many has been one of the best ever, I’ve watched an interesting tension play out. There are teams that have been extremely defensive and conservative in their approach. Their first priority has been packing lots of players in their defensive zone. Their main strategy has been to keeping the other team from scoring while waiting for the other team to make a mistake on which they can capitalize.

There have been teams on the other side of the spectrum (like Peru and Morocco) that have been committed to playing attacking, flowing, creative soccer. They have been some of the most enjoyable to watch. And there have been many teams somewhere in between on that spectrum.

I’ve been trying to understand why I and some other observers find it so hard to watch conservative, defensive teams that put little effort into scoring, much less offensive creativity.

I think I now know the reason. Part of the global appeal of soccer is its potential to be the most beautiful and artful of sports. This sport, at its best, has a spirit that is part art. But when teams ignore that potential and seek only a practical outcome for their country, the spirit of the game is cynically lost. The higher the ideals of an enterprise the more that cunning, selfish, small-minded behaviors within it seem to taint and mar that enterprise.

Yet, soccer is still a sport. Teams are there to win. So it’s understandable that teams and players would balance skills and attacking flair with a desire to maximize the odds that they will win.

How teams, coaches, and even countries manage the tension between the spirit of the game and the rewards there are to taking practical steps that will increase one’s odds of victory is part of the appeal and vulnerablity of the game.

There are parallels, I believe, between this and the our everyday lives in the kingdom of God.

For starters, too often the Church and local churches are like defensive-minded teams that don’t get the beauty and life-changing energy and perspective of what Jesus and the kingdom of God are all about. The focus becomes defending fundamental doctrines and creeds and avoiding sin rather than living beautiful, challenging lives together that go against the grain of human-shaped culture and society that are counter to God’s values. Churches can give short shrift to cultivating dynamic, proactive, imaginative, kingdom-oriented lives of love and impact in their members. And this extends to how they treat God’s earth. Churches should be leaders in creating cultures where members creatively and beautifully figure out how to meet human needs while also prospering God’s earth.

Second, I humbly realize that I struggle with the ideals of the beautiful kingdom myself. I want to see myself in my Christian life as constantly looking for ways to show love to others, to pray, to read the Bible and related books, and to have God on my mind and heart at all times. In short, I want to be more Christ-like. And Jesus was not passive and defensive.

But instead, and all too often, I become overly practical and self-focused. I want to reserve a great deal of time for myself rather than giving it to people and causes who would benefit from them. I sometimes think too carefully about whether our budget can handle a particular donation or buying the food that best epitomizes a Christian care for God’s earth. I pay attention to what people would think of me if I spoke more clearly about my faith.

I need to ask myself this question – if I dislike soccer teams that place way too much priority on conservative, opportunistic, practical tactics, why do I find myself living out my life in the kingdom of God in the same way?

How about you?

How well are you stewarding that part of God’s earth that is under your care? Are you giving it any thought?

You and I can learn from Gabe Brown in that respect. Gabe Brown is a Christian farmer in North Dakota who is helping to change American agriculture for the better. He transitioned his family’s farm from conventional, chemical-dependent farming practices to a creative, Creation-friendly, profitable system. For years now, he has been tirelessly sharing his lessons with farmers around the country.

In his talks and interviews, Gabe recalls that before he made that transition in farming, his focus on most days was how to kill things. Weeds and bugs were his enemies. Now, in contrast, he wakes up each day trying to figure how to bring more life to his farm through cover crops, grazing, and other nature-mimicking approaches.

Gabe makes clear that creatively striving to bring more life to the land is rewarding, energizing, and just more fun.

I urge you, as part of your whole Christian faith, to make the commitment to bring more life to your corner of God’s earth. 

Photo of eastern tiger swallowtail on flower of Silphium

This is what life looks like on a landscape – plants providing what wildlife (in this case, an eastern tiger swallowtail butterfly) need. For this native butterfly to live and thrive, it needs both host plants and nectar plants. Your yard or your church property can provide both. (Photo courtesy of Joan Sayre)

I urge you to then choose how to best act on that commitment.

One excellent way is to grow food. There is much more to write on that. And I will!

But another way I want to bring your attention to is this – managing your landscape so it feeds and shelter birds, butterflies, and other wildlife. Speaking in general terms, this boils down to planting native plants on your landscape and minimizing the use of chemicals that are directly or indirectly harmful.

Just like Gabe Brown has gone against the flow of conventional farming culture, Creation-friendly landscaping goes against the flow of conventional American landscape culture.

Are you willing to go against mainstream culture for your faith?

Culture is the invisible voice that tells us what should be done and how for reasons that we really can’t explain. The lawn is the centerpiece of American landscape culture. For reasons we can’t explain a yard, cemetery, or church property without lawn just doesn’t feel right. This compulsion is invisible to us. It is just what we expect to see.

And we see a lot of it. According to this article, a NASA study estimates that there are over 63,000 square miles of the United States is devoted to turf. That is three times more than any other irrigated crop grown in our country. It is approximately the size of Texas.

We as Christians, however, should not blindly accept the culture around us. We’re called to consciously question every element of the culture we find ourselves in and determine whether it is consistent with the core threads and values of the Bible.

Israel was threatened by the lure of surrounding cultures and their gods. The story of the Good Samaritan is a story of God-honoring love triumphing over culturally formed dividing lines. Paul’s letters reveal early churches wrestling with questions of local cultures that were sometimes contrary to Christian values. One of the factors behind Christianity’s early spread was how its followers were willing to live out a charitable, loving culture in stark contrast to Roman culture.

It’s time Christians questioned the lawn culture.

When you do so, you will find that the pristine lawn as the default and unquestioned landscaping option is, in fact, contrary to a Christian perspective. This is not to say that there isn’t a place for lawn in our landscapes where there is abundant rainfall, especially when it isn’t dowsed with excessive chemicals and fertilizers. It does bring order.  It offers a place to play. There are places where vegetation close to a building is not a good thing.

But the lawn culture at its most extreme is inconsistent with a whole Christian faith.

It reflect a compulsive need to control nature to the extent that we damage and exterminate it. It is built on a culture of figuring out how to kill things. It deprives God’s wildlife of sustenance and shelter. It is a culture of selfishness at odds with what we see of God in Jesus and the rest of the Bible.


The number zero representing the wildlife value of lawns.

A lawn with nothing but bluegrass offers sustenance to ZERO butterflies and other pollinators which are essential elements in God’s very good Creation.

And that says nothing of how lawns are usually kept green and weed-free.

In practical terms, lawn maintenance for most Americans means using chemicals to keep the lawn as green and bug-free as possible. These chemicals are not benign. Follow this link to a chart showing potential and known health issues of the 30 most commonly used lawn chemicals. Here’s a quick summation. Of 30 commonly used lawn pesticides, 16 are linked with cancer or carcinogenicity, 12 are linked with birth defects, 21 with negative reproductive effects, 25 with liver or kidney damage, 14 with neurotoxicity, and 17 with disruption of the endocrine (hormonal) system. Of those same 30 lawn pesticides, 19 are detected in groundwater, 20 have the ability to leach into drinking water sources, 30 are toxic to fish and other aquatic organisms vital to our ecosystem, 29 are toxic to bees, 14 are toxic to mammals, and 22 are toxic to birds.

Do you want your children rolling in those kinds of chemicals? Our pets, too, are at risk.

In light of all of the above, the lawn is actually a symbol of the false understanding of dominion that Christians have extracted from Genesis 1. Dominion, when you read the Bible simplistically and under the influence of self-centered human culture, comes to mean domination. The assumption of the culture of domination is that the decline, diminishment, destruction, and disappearance of other life on God’s earth are acceptable collateral damage in our pursuit of power and comfort.

in contrast, Christians living out a whole Christian faith will naturally want to be pro-life in the largest sense of the word. That must translate into how they landscape their own properties and their churches’ land.

You and I will know when Christians are truly pro-life when instead of commenting on how green and weed-free their lawns are they compare notes (and perhaps even compete?!) about the numbers and diversity of birds, butterflies, and pollinators they’ve been able to attract to their yards.

I’m happy to say there are Christians who are already purposefully and creatively bringing life to their corner of God’s earth. I will be sharing their stories. This will lead, too, to practical tips and advice. I hope all of this will be the springboard for you to think again about how to best shape the health of the corner of God’s earth that you have responsibility for.

One of the things I will highlight in those coming posts is the rewards of this approach to stewarding your yard or property. You will grow in knowledge. You will grow in observation skills and how to think and act holistically. You will experience wonder.

And like Gabe Brown, you will wake up and enjoy the challenge of how to bring more life.

I’ve noticed that by and large the culture of Christians who care about God’s earth is one of love, kindness, patience, and thoughtfulness. A byproduct of this culture, however, can sometimes be the tendency to avoid speaking truth in love to other Christians who cause needless harm to God’s earth. 

So how do we respond to Sonny Perdue and Scott Pruitt?  These two prominent Christians are in positions of leadership at the nexus of economy, government policy, and God’s earth. From what I have seen, they often advance and maintain policies counter to our convictions. Their decisions, their actions, and their inaction dwarf any smaller efforts of ours.

Will we continue to be polite and courteous and avoid the elephant in the room? Or do we speak up in a way that contains truth in proportion to the scale of the harm being done? And how do we do that while still being Christian?

The open letter below to the pastors of Sonny Perdue and Scott Pruitt is my best attempt. I chose to address the pastors because I believe that churches hold responsibility for the way their members, especially prominent members, live out their faith.

Dear Pastors Nick Garland and JIm Perdue:

I am having a hard time understanding something. I hope you can help me.

You are the pastors of Scott Pruitt, the Environmental Protection Agency Administrator for the United States, and Sonny Perdue, the Secretary of Agriculture. These members of your churches profess their Christian faith sincerely and prominently. Secretary Perdue even described this opportunity to serve our county as a call from God.

What I have a hard time understanding is how they came to believe that serving Jesus in their lives of leadership meant going along with policies that serve powerful economic interests at the cost of harming vulnerable people and spoiling God’s earth.

Can you help me understand that?

EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt standing at podium

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt (photo courtesy of US Environmental Protection Agency)

I know those words sounds harsh and judgmental. I would guess that you and your congregation feel pride that members of your churches would reach such high levels of accomplishment. You are probably already dismissing me as one of “those” Christians.

But please hear me out. I want to speak what I believe is the truth in love. I believe it is important for Christians to see God’s will done on earth. I believe it is especially important that Christians who are prominent live out a whole Christian faith their words and deeds that is an attractive testimony to the Christian faith.

Secretary Perdue recently called a jury award in the case of people around a factory farm in North Carolina “despicable.” As you may know, concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) holds thousands of farm animals together in factory-like buildings. Agriculture industry leaders point out these factories give our economy cheap meat. But what is not considered in the cheap prices is the cruelty to God’s animals. Nor do the cheap prices make up for the large streams of waste generated by the confined animals that often pollute streams and foul ground water that neighbors downstream need for drinking.

Sonny Perdue, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (photo courtesy of the USDA)

Did you know that most antibiotics today are not consumed by people but are given to animals, especially those in factory farms, because they promote unnaturally fast animal growth? This overuse is leading to the outbreak of strains of bacteria, like Staphylococcus aureus (known as MRSA), that are resistant to antibiotics. This is leading to the painful deaths of thousands, like 18-month old Simon Macario in Chicago.

CAFO farms also generate awful smells that cause misery to their neighbors while reducing their property values. Oftentimes, the neighbors of CAFOs are poor and minorities who find it harder to get justice and protection.

CAFOs are just a symptom of our industrial agriculture system. This system has generated great productivity. It has also compromised our public health and God’s earth and emptied out our rural towns. In many ways, as John Ikerd has pointed out, this system has put priority on faith in the market economy over faith in God and over concern for the wellbeing of our neighbors and God’s earth. I have not seen any indication that Secretary Perdue has wrestled with these questions and our country’s industrial approach to agriculture.

For his part, Administrator Pruitt has consistently looked to weaken restraints on business that have otherwise protected people and God’s land, water, and wildlife. A recent example was his decision to exempt Foxconn’s planned 20-million square foot electronics plant in southeastern Wisconsin from rules in place to reduce the emission of smog pollution that harms people’s lungs. This was despite the recommendations of his staff. Pruitt has also shown a consistent tendency to favor powerful industries, even to the point of ethical transgressions.

What you and I have in common is faith in Jesus. Through this belief and trust, the Spirit begins to transform every dimension of our hearts and our lives.

One of the concepts that Jesus taught was that fruit in the form of words and deeds revealed the condition of a person’s heart. Secretary Perdue and Administrator Pruitt profess their Christian faith emphatically. But I see the fruits revealed in key policies they are responsible for to be counter to the God I see in the Bible.

As I know you know, there is a consistent theme throughout the Bible of God’s concern for the poor, vulnerable, and marginalized. These were the people to whom Jesus reached out. Prophets spoke against powerful people like Ahab and Jezebel who misused their power to rob vulnerable people of their integrity and what had been promised them by God. In Psalm 104 and in Job we also see God concerned with and revealed in all of Creation, the Creation that God included in this covenant with Noah in Genesis 9.

So I have sincere questions for you:

Do you believe that what your members are doing in their public roles as it relates to God’s earth and vulnerable people is God’s will?

If yes, is that because of the concept of dominion you teach? Have you considered the nuances of the whole Bible as it relates to our relationship to God’s earth? Have you considered God’s model for dominion over us as seen in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection?

If yes, is that because you believe that God would never allow things he cared about to be destroyed or harmed? Am I wrongly reading Jesus’ response to the Tempter in Matthew 4:7, which shows that God does not exist to save us from purposeful folly?

Will you address Secretary Perdue and Administrator Pruitt and urge them to exhibit the fruits of the Spirit and demonstrate their first allegiance to God’s ways rather than to the interests of the powerful?

Are you concerned that the actions and words of Secretary Perdue and Administrator Pruitt might be the reason people who naturally respond to the beauty of God’s earth are being turned away from coming to faith in Jesus? Could these people know in their hearts the truth that it is wrong to do unnecessary violence to the beauty and complexity of God’s order in Creation?

Francis Shaeffer wrote, “Thus God treats His Creation with integrity: each thing in its own order, each thing the way He made it. If God treats His creation in that way, should we not treat our fellow-creatures with similar integrity? If God treats the tree like a tree, the machine like a machine, the man like a man, shouldn’t I, as a fellow-creature, do the same thing – treating each thing in integrity in its own order? And for the highest reason: because I love God – I love the One who has made it! Loving the Lover who has made it, I have respect for the thing He has made.”

If you look closely you will find that many of the policies of the Department of Agriculture and of the EPA under Secretary Perdue and Administrator Pruitt do not have respect for the things God has made.

What does God make of that?

Above all, can you help Secretary Perdue and Administrator Pruitt question the assumptions behind their policies?

They are in a unique positions to lead good stewardship of God’s earth and to reveal to millions of people what Christian stewardship really looks like. They could be amazing witnesses to the regenerative and restorative power that God offers us and offers the world.

You are their pastors. You are in unique positions to counsel them, open their hearts in humility and sensitivity, and give them the courage to consider carefully what kind of lives God would want them to lead. Without doubt, It takes courage to go against the principalities of this world who tempt bright and charismatic people with riches and crowns.

I know that Secretary Perdue and Administrator Pruitt are probably very decent people in many respects. I know, too, this letter likely challenges how each of you and your churches read the Bible. It may challenge how you think about the connection between Christians, the economy, and the role of government. And I want you to know I know I don’t live out my Christian faith perfectly. I have failings. You could build a cabin with the logs in my eyes.

Nevertheless, please be open to whatever measure of God’s truth I have been able to include in this letter.

I hope, too, you will pray with me for the day when Christians are known for wholly transformed lives that testify to their love of God through their love of their neighbors and their energetic efforts to prosper the life of God’s good earth.


Nathan Aaberg

As I wrote earlier, I stopped going to church a while back for a variety of reasons. With my son back from college for spring break, however, my wife and I agreed that we should attend both a Good Friday service and a service on Easter Sunday.

Because of my conflicted feelings about church and my absence from services for a while, I had a heightened senstiviity to what I experienced at those two services. I want to share just a few of my feelings and perceptions.

We attended the Good Friday service at a church we had gone to in the past. I was struck by the power and creativity of the service. It brought together Scripture, music, poetry, and even physical sensation.

We had, for example, our hands washed ceremonially upon entering the sanctuary. And for most of the service we held a smooth stone in our hand as a reminder of our sins. As the service ended, we dropped it in a bucket before a large, rough-hewn cross near the altar.

There were a variety of sounds. Piano and organ music. We sang hymns. The sound of a whip snapping cruelly was heard at one point. We cried out, “Crucify Him!” at another point.

And the music, sounds, and words were offset by moments of silence for reflection on heart-challenging questions.

What struck me most were the gestures of warmth from a number of the congregation’s members, despite the fact that we had not attended regularly there in some time. Smiles from across the aisle. Strong handshakes. People making the effort to come over to us even though it was out of their way. Hugs.

Isn’t this a blessing of the highest order?

We went to the church of some friends on Easter Sunday. It, too, featured creativity and beauty. We first gathered outside on the lawn for opening prayers and words. As we moved into the narthex, we received candles, and these were then lit. We entered the sanctuary and used our candles to light the candles on the altar, on the window sills, and other places. This modestly-sized sanctuary became filled with nearly a hundred small flames giving out gentle, cheerful light. Holiness and hope.

There was great joy throughout the two-hour service in the songs and message. Songs. Clapping. A full-immersion baptism preceded by the singing of “Down to the River to Pray.”

There was one intriguing common element between the two services.  In both services, the beginning of Genesis was read and given prominence.

This was encouraging. By drawing our attention to the amazing goodness of the Creation and the tragedy of the Fall, the two churches drew attention to the full context of Good Friday and Easter. The story and truth of the Bible begins with all of creation in harmony and peace. In the Bible and in the world around us, we see what the Fall has brought – sin and brokeness causing pain to people and to all of Creation on an epic scale. Yet the Bible ends with a new heaven and a new earth where all of creation is again in harmony and peace with God.

Jesus – his life, his words, his death, and his resurrection – is at the heart of all this. God, our loving God, cares for people and all of Creation. Easter should remind all Christians of this. It is truly good news. Awesome news.

Was the note of all Creation being part of the salvation story part of your Holy Week? I hope so.

And I end this post admitting that there is a certain wistfulness in my heart after attending those services.

I long to have a community of faith where Creation matters and where worship and fellowship are part of the rhythm of our family’s life.


In the last year, Christian farmer friends in rural Wisconsin had recommended John Ikerd to me as someone to who had real wisdom about their world. Watching his presentations online and reading some of his writing. I became convinced I needed to interview him. When I reached out, he graciously gave me over an hour.

You can learn more about his life, life mission, and accomplishments here at his website.  Suffice it to say that his life has been thoroughly intertwined with farming since his childhood, and he has also immersed himself in the study of agricultural economics. He knows the realities of farming. He sees the big picture. His books and presentations attract attention because of his insights and how he shares them – with intellectual clarity and moral conviction.

Photo of John Ikerd

I have already written about my conviction that God-honoring stewardship of the earth necessarily includes the question of how we farm and what we choose to eat. I hope this interview helps you better understand how the industrial farming system has been tremendously productive but has also harmed the communities our rural brothers and sisters live in. How we farm is not just a question of production techniques but is a foundational element of the kind of society we create. Christianity has spent a great deal of energy thinking about what constitutes a just war. In light of the tremendous impact of agriculture every day on our forgotten rural neighbors and on God’s earth, maybe it’s time churches thought more about what constitutes a just farming system.

One last note – despite the fact that this is an edited record of our conversation, it is still long. Gird yourself with a caffeinated beverage and a comfortable chair!

Nathan: From your writings and speeches, it’s clear that agriculture matters a whole lot to you. Can you talk about where that passion comes from?

John: I grew up on a small dairy farm down in southwest Missouri at a time when in that part of the country we didn’t have electricity or running water. It was hard work, but I always thought it was a good way of life. It was a good community. I was a member of the Future Farmers of America (FFA). We used to start out meetings with the FFA creed: “I believe in the future of farming with a faith born not of words but of deeds.” I really believed in that.

I went away to college, and I got my undergraduate, my master’s, and eventually my PhD in agricultural economics. I had always worked in extension, so I was always working with farmers. That was a time when we were promoting the industrial approach to agriculture as I call it now. I did it, as did most people who were promoting it at that time, because we really thought it was going to be good for farmers and good for rural communities. We were going to make agriculture more efficient so that more innovative farmers would have profit opportunities and could support viable rural communities. And we were going to make good food affordable to everyone.

During the farm financial crisis in the 1980s, farmers were going broke. I was head of the Extension Agricultural Economics Department at the University of Georgia at that time. I had worked as a livestock marketing specialist. It was our responsibility to go out and help these farmers who were caught with huge debts and high interest rates because they had expanded in the 1970s. “Get big or get out,” we had said.

I came to this realization that the farmers who had the biggest financial problems were the ones who had been doing what we had been advising them to do. They had specialized, standardized, and consolidated into larger farms. And we looked around and saw what that was doing to rural communities – they were withering and dying as farms became larger and fewer. And then I could see what they were doing to the land – erosion and pollution with agricultural chemicals and biological waste.

We were always thinking we’re out here doing something good for families and rural communities. Then in the 1980s I came to the realization that it might have been good for the farmers who had gotten big and survived, but it wasn’t good for rural communities, and it wasn’t good for the land. Eventually it wasn’t going to be good for those surviving farmers because there was really no end to where this was going to go in terms of control of agriculture by larger and larger operations and large ag business corporations.

To me that was all a betrayal of a trust. I had spent a good part of my life thinking I was doing something good, and then all of a sudden it hit me in the face that we haven’t even made good food affordable to everyone. We have more people today that are food insecure then in the 1960s.

So ever since I’ve been on a mission to try to help people understand what happened and to try to get people to realize that we need to fundamentally change our farming and food systems to really serve the greater good of farmers and rural communities and society as a whole and make sure everyone has good food.

That was what it was supposed to be about from the beginning, and it turned out to be something totally different.That’s the reason I’m passionate about it. I feel like I understand something a lot of people don’t understand, and I need to share that with them.

Nathan: I’ve talked to a number of sustainable farmers in central Illinois, and they’re motivated to farm that way out of concern for the future of their towns. Their downtowns have emptied out. The school districts have consolidated. What is the relationship between the industrialization of agriculture and the decline of many rural communities?

John: The reason I call it industrial agriculture is because you really treat the farm like a factory. First, you specialize in doing fewer things so you can do them more efficiently and do them better. We went from diversified family farms with livestock and crops to just livestock or just crops to now just a specific crop or a specific livestock. But when you specialize then you need to standardize those individual activities so that they all fit together and then you can routinize and mechanize.

The technology has basically come out of World War II, and a lot it is intended to make that farm more controllable. We can use fertilizers rather than depend upon building soil fertility. We use pesticides to control pests. And then we brought on the machinery so you simplify the whole process.

When you get to that point, you simplify the management, so you can consolidate into larger and larger farming operations. You gain the economic advantage in that kind of operation by being able to consolidate those standardized, specialized activities so you’ve got fewer and fewer people making decisions. So, in other words, fewer and fewer are at the management level, and you’re replaced much of the labor with machines and chemicals and technology. The people who are remaining and who are working the farms are less skilled then they were before, because they’re really not making the decisions. They’re basically just operating the machines and applying the pesticides.

So by its very nature the industrial process employs fewer people with a few people in position to make more money, but fewer people total and most of the people making less money. It’s an inherent consequence that when we industrialized agriculture there would be fewer farmers and lower farm employment in total and that you would have low paid farm workers and a few large landlords or managers.

You see the consequences. There are fewer opportunities for family farms out here, which means fewer kids to go to school, fewer people serve on volunteer fire departments, fewer people to go to churches. It was a natural consequence of that approach to have the displacement of millions of family farmers and the economic and social decline of rural communities.

Blind Faith

Nathan: One of the things you say is, “The root cause of the current crisis in agriculture is the same as the root cause of ecological degradation and of social and moral decay in society in general – the society that blindly accepts the economic bottom line as if it were the word of God.” How did we get to this point?

John: Well, that’s another part of this industrialization process, and it’s the same as overall economic development. What drives that whole system is this motivation to increase efficiency and profitability. What justified that in the minds of people like myself back then was this idea that if we increase the economic efficiency of something, it was going to automatically be good for society as a whole. The pursuit of individual economic self-interest would automatically serve the greater economic interest and therefore the overall wellbeing of people.

That goes all the way back to the foundations of economic theory. People talk about Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand, which is about transforming individual greed into greater societal good. Under the conditions that he described it, with small business owners and their customers carrying out face-to-face transactions in their local communities, at least it would have been to the economic good of society if not to the social.

But we don’t have anything approaching those conditions today, but we still preach this free market philosophy. If farmers are doing things that increase profits, then they are doing things that consumers want done and society wants done. When we pursue that more profitable model, then it’s going to automatically be good for people. Food costs are going to be lower. Then farmers are going to find better economic opportunities elsewhere, because that just means there are better opportunities to go to work in factories or offices. The markets are dictating this. In other words, if it’s more profitable to do something, then it may cause some temporary inconvenience for people, but after they’ve gone through this adjustment to these new conditions then everybody is going to be better off.

And we’ve gotten to the point that we just believe that as a blind faith.

And not only is it displacing people, and that’s presumed to be good, but we’re mining the natural productivity of the land. We’re doing those things because it’s more profitable to do them that way in the short run, and economics is inherently short run. We’re doing it because it’s more profitable and we accept that because it’s more profitable then it must inherently be good.

We basically replaced our belief in God and our belief in some more fundamental ethical and moral principles with this blind faith that if it’s more profitable then it must be good for society. We may not accept all the complexities of it, but we accept that if we go out here and make more money, then that’s what society wants us to do.

Nathan: You raise an interesting point about how Christians have come over to that blind faith in the market. Do you have any ideas about why American Christians don’t question that more, don’t question the corporate control of so much?

John: What we’ve found out is that Christians are just as subject to the seduction of the market as anyone else is. This economic belief that I’ve just described is a belief. It’s not written anywhere. It’s a very seductive belief, because basically I don’t have to worry about what the implications are going to be for other people or the land. Even if they are temporarily inconvenienced, eventually they’re going to be better off.

The unspoken faith of economists is that all we have to do is provide an economic incentive, and we will create the technologies that will solve any environmental or social problem we create or we will come up with a substitute for any resource that we use up. When you degrade something to the point that it becomes scarce, then it becomes economically valuable, and once it becomes economically valuable then people automatically take steps to increase its production. That’s just a blind faith.

The first century or so of classical economics was fundamentally different. Classical economics asserted that the economy had to function within the bounds of what I call a socially equitable and morally just society. In other words, bounds had to be placed around the economy to keep it from extracting natural resources and exploiting people. We really only abandoned that about a hundred years ago or so.

Nathan: How does that relate to the common situation I’ve seen where when a farmer in a rural town decides to go organic or sustainable they are oftentimes shunned, isolated, and not spoken to at the local coffee shop? Why does that happens?

John: This kind of alternative to industrial agriculture questions that whole foundational belief. The farmers that are left out there are the survivors. Up until now anyway the system has been working for them. So if their neighbor goes organic, the message they get is that what you’ve been doing your whole life is wrong. It’s polluting the environment. It’s not producing healthy food.

So it challenges their basic belief about themselves. They react to that challenge by wanting to diminish the threat or marginalize the threat or laugh at it or whatever they need to do to minimize this challenge to their ego and to their way of life.

And I understand what they’re going through because I have devoted about half of my 30-year academic career and half of my life to this industrial approach to agriculture. When I was forced to confront the fact that the outcome is not what I thought it was going to be, my whole career path changed. I was the department head at the University of Georgia at that time and was on track to be an extension program leader or extension director or maybe a dean. But when I began questioning the system, the whole thing changed. I wasn’t on the advisory committees or search committees anymore, because I was questioning the whole institution. I was questioning what the college of agriculture had built its reputation upon.

It’s the same way with the farmers out here. The sustainable farmers may not consider this questioning it at all. They may say, “Well, I’m simply doing what I feel I ought to do.”

But their neighbor looks at it and says, “What you’re doing is challenging my whole belief system and threatening the whole idea of what I’ve been all my life.”

I think that’s the reason they reject it so strongly.

Nathan: When there is a different paradigm that questions all of that one has believed about oneself, it’s got to be tremendously threatening. Do you have any advice about how to get around this? We’ve seen that encouraging farmers to go sustainable has all kinds of social implications. Some people won’t go sustainable because they’re worried about how they will be treated socially.

John: You have to begin by realizing these are conflicting belief system. There’s really no way of presenting a set of facts or whatever that’s going to convince someone. Depending upon your worldview, you can interpret the same facts in different ways.

So whenever I’m talking with audiences which might be skeptical or hostile to what I’m saying, I relate what I’m saying back to these core values. Because I still think that we share a common set of basic core values. When I’m talking about sustainability, for example, I’ve said, “Look, what I’m talking about is a belief that people have a basic right to safe, healthful food. They have a right to clean drinking water.” I go back to the Declaration of Independence that says, “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights – life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

I say the right to everything else is preconditioned on the right to life. And if you don’t have enough food, you don’t have safe water to drink, you don’t have a healthy environment, then your right to life is being considerably diminished. We shouldn’t be farming in a way that compromises the basic God-given rights of people.

A lot of times that will get people in the audience to at least sit and think, and it changes the conversation a bit. They may rationalize that they’re not doing those things, but at least they have to think about it.

Is it really fair to someone that’s been living out here on a farm maybe two or three generations and then you have their neighbor expand what was a traditional hog operation, which nobody had any problem with, to a concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO) that basically destroys their neighbor’s quality of life? Is that fair? Is that being a responsible member of the community?

Let’s talk about what’s right. Let’s talk about what’s fair. Let’s talk about how we ought to treat each other.

It’s the same way with the earth. I’ve read some of the things you write, and I think the churches need to start talking about this as God’s creation. What we do to the Creation is a reflection of our respect or lack of respect for the Creator. God created the earth, and he said it was good. Who are we to question God?

Earth Stewardship is a Spiritual Matter

Nathan: You also wrote, “We must realize that stewardship of the resources of the earth ultimately is a spiritual matter.” Can you say more about that?

John: Because I’m an economist, people want to rationalize what they are doing in terms of economics. So many times people want to say, “Isn’t it going to be more economically advantageous to us to really take care of the natural resource, rebuild the fertility of the soil? Isn’t it really more economically viable if we produce safe food so people won’t be sick and won’t have hospital bills and won’t be missing work?” Of course those things are significant, but this isn’t just an economic matter.

For one thing, economic value is short term, so it always discounts things that are way in the future. So if you look at it from a strictly economic standpoint, then you would say there’s some economic loss here from degrading the productivity of the soil and polluting the water. But the people that are making the decisions don’t pay it, but you know society is paying it. And there’s some economic cost to society from illness and lost work from producing food that is unhealthy.

The point I’m trying to make is that’s just the tip of the iceberg. We don’t have a right to destroy the things of the earth. It’s not only not right and fair and responsible for those of future generations that will have to depend on those things after the fossil energy is gone and all the other stuff is gone. It’s not only unfair to them. It is a desecration of something that we’ve been given to take care of.

We don’t have a right to create a generation of sick kids because we produce food that made them obese or destroyed their ability to function and grow and learn. It’s not just the medical bills we’ll have to pay. It’s the fact that we don’t have a right to go out there and diminish the quality of someone else’s life or shorten their life. It’s not simply a matter of economics. These are ethical moral issues that we’re dealing with.

Nathan: Have you seen any Christian churches engaging in this conversation in productive way in rural areas, especially around CAFOs?

John: I hear over and over again that CAFOs split the community and they split the churches – who’s supporting them and who’s not. And in a lot of cases I think this is true of industrial agriculture in general but CAFOs also: it’s the people out there who have the money to invest in these facilities who also tend to be the major contributors to the churches. The pastor has got to think very seriously about if he’s going to call out this member of the church that’s been the biggest donor.

I honestly have not heard of rural churches that have been willing to take any kind of a strong position against what I call industrial agriculture, against the CAFOs. There may be some that try to stay as neutral as they can, but I haven’t heard of any that have really come out against them. I just haven’t seen the churches play a very big role in this.

I was really impressed with the pope’s encyclical Our Common Home. I thought that was one of the most powerful documents to ever come out of the religious community. In that document, he explains things from the standpoint of the Catholic Church and from the Scriptures, but he also explained things on very common sense values and moral principles. It basically said our problems are all tied up in this blind faith in the market economy and the current version of capitalism, which is really a perversion of what capitalism is supposed to be.

I think people have come to realize that what we’re talking about here are deeper issues that permeate the whole society. We’re going to have to be willing to challenge those. I personally think the way you challenge them is to talk plainly about values and moral principles. I think oftentimes churches, and especially the Catholic Church, are particularly bad about this. When the message comes across in religious jargon, you can just slough it off. You can say, “Well, that’s what I hear at church, but that’s not really relevant to the way I farm and the way I do business.”

 I think the message is going to have to come across in direct moral and ethical principles. Talk in terms of common sense using principles people will hear. I haven’t found anybody yet that wants to stand up and say, “I believe that it’s OK to be dishonest, unfair, irresponsible, disrespectful, and uncaring.”

Nathan: Speaking of CAFOs, they’re really at the intersection of corporate economics agriculture and rural life. There are battles around these all across the United States. How do we get to the point where CAFOs aren’t even allowed?

John: We need to realize what a corporation is. Now a family corporation is no different than the family. The family can have strong social and ethical values that it gives priority to rather than economics or not, depending on what kind of family it is. But at least it has the ability to do what’s right rather than what’s most profitable if there’s a conflict there.

But what people need to realize is when you go to the large publicly held corporations or publicly traded corporations, which are basically controlling more and more of agriculture these days, these large agribusiness corporations have shareholders scattered all over the country and all around the world. Some of them may have very strongly held moral and ethical principles. But the only common principles that the management of the corporation can be confident of is their desire to increase the value of their investment. It becomes a purely economic organization. When you have companies owned by pension funds and mutual funds, the people that own them don’t even know which companies they own on any given day. So there’s no way to reflect anything other than this desire to increase the value of the stock.

What we’ve done is we’ve created purely economic entities that have no capacity for having any social or ethical values.

We need to understand that a corporation is not a real person. That’s difficult given that the Supreme Court doesn’t recognize what I just explained here. The political process is not supposed to be an economic process at all. It is supposed to be about the common good. It is supposed to be about reflecting the social and the ethical values of the people. It’s not purely about individual economic self-interest but that the country functions for the good of society as a whole.

A corporation is not necessarily good or evil. It’s a purely economic entity. All it’s going to do is maximize its economic returns for the shareholders regardless of the consequences. And it’s going to try to remove any restraints in doing so, including regulations which is what we see now. You see the corporations using their economic power for political power to remove all the constraints to whatever they do. You see this in agriculture. This is the reason that the agribusiness corporations are basically unregulated, because they’ve used their political power to get treated the same as individual family farms.

Nathan: You’re saying that to push this back you have to start changing the legal status of corporations.

John: Right. There’s a whole movement called Move to Amend that would add an amendment to the Constitution, which would say basically that corporations are not real people and have no right to participate in the political process.

I think ultimately that’s what has to happen in the country. When I go back the Constitution, the fifth article of constitution is about amending the Constitution and how you go about amending it. I think the people that wrote it obviously intended it for it to be amended as necessary for it to continue to function for the good of the people. We need to look at constitutional amendments and the ability to regain control of the corporations. The only means we have of controlling corporations is through government. I think they consciously work to make government dysfunctional, so that they’ll be able to control. That’s a perfectly logical thing for a purely economic entity to do.

Cover of John Ikerd book: Small Farms are Real Farms

Nathan: You talk a lot about a small farm being a living organism. We’re all shaped by the environment that we’re in, whether it’s a family or an organization. Do you think that a small farm being managed sustainably actually shapes the person as much as the person shapes the farm?

John: Yes, I think it does, and that’s important. Today, if you’re growing up on one of these industrial operations, it’s all big machinery. It’s all mechanized. It’s all computerized. And there really is no connectedness to the land. They may not even get out and walk around on the land anymore. They can even sample soil without ever getting out and walking around on it.

But if you grow up in an environment where you understand that the productivity of the farm and the well-being of the family is all wrapped up in keeping the land healthy, keeping the soil healthy and productive, having healthy plants and healthy animals, supporting each other, and all working as part of the system, then you see yourself as the farmer as a part of that living system. I think that shapes how you see everything else in life. You are connected with other people within your community and how communities are connected and how societies are connected. And it’s all a part of a whole. This shapes our whole perception in society of who we are and how we function and how we relate to each other.

I think that’s an important part of what’s happening now. I think a lot of the local food movement and the organic food movement is about a need of people to re-establish that connection that’s been lost because of the industrialization and the separation and the mechanization of people moving off the farms moving into cities that have no connection to the earth.

I think there’s really something within us that tells us that we are a part of this and comes to life in a lot of people. So that’s the reason a lot of young people want to farm now that we have this alternative way of farming. They’re seeing the farmer on the farm in connection with neighbors and community. This kind of organic, sustainable, biological, holistic approach to agriculture is really engaging a lot of young people. They feel that need to be connected.

I personally believe that we’re in the process of recreating the food system, and it’s going to be linked back to this idea of reconnecting people within communities, not just with the land but with each other. This is restoring the recognition that we’re members as well as caretakers of the earth.

We have to have an agriculture that functions in harmony as a member of the community. Agriculture farming systems are members of society so to speak. We’re all organs within organisms, and the farm is just kind of one component and the farmers part of the farm and so on. I think this is a powerful sort of concept. There’s a whole global movement going on which is called the food sovereignty movement. It starts by declaring that food — food  sustainably produced, wholesome, nutritious food – is a basic human right. It goes on to proclaim the right of people to determine their own food systems and to control the food systems that they eat from and to control the way the land is farmed and the whole thing within a community.

I see these glimmers of hope for the future that are really growing and becoming brighter around the world but also in the United States.

Nathan: That’s really encouraging to hear. I come from a Norwegian-American background, and we tend to see the glass half empty. So I have to work at being hopeful. (laughter)

John: Well, I don’t know if it’s half full yet, but it’s filling up.

Nathan: What kind of spirituality or religion you grew up with and where you are on your own spiritual path?

John: I grew up in a small Methodist church in the country, and you couldn’t tell much difference between Methodists and Baptists. They were all evangelical. We used to have revival meetings every summer. I loved to go to them. They had really good preaching. People tell me I sound like a preacher in my presentations, and I think I picked up some of that when I was young.

When I went off to college, I was working my way through – I had three hundred dollars from selling an old sow. I went to a Methodist church there, and one Sunday morning they told the congregation how they just had spent something like twenty or twenty-five thousand dollars to improve the church organ. And I thought, “Why am I coming here and giving money to this church?” There’s a lot of people out here that need twenty five thousand dollars. That just diminished my whole concept.

So I didn’t start going back to church again until I got married and had children. I said, “I’m going to raise my children in church because I thought I had really benefited from being raised in church.” We went to church religiously, mainly to Southern Baptist churches, but also I think we were First Church of Christ and some fairly fundamentalist churches, which is a good experience. In the Baptist Church they really studied the Bible. I’ve learned a lot going back and really studying the Bible, and that really reinforced my faith. But as I made up my mind more and more and realized what I really believed and what I didn’t believe, there were too many conflicts between what I saw as the dogma of the church and what I was developing as my own belief system and faith.

So I tell people I haven’t been in church probably since the early 90s maybe the late 1980s other than a wedding or a funeral or something of that nature. But I’m probably more spiritual now than when I was in church. I’m part of that group that they call spiritual but not religious. I take my spirituality very seriously.

I’ve always expressed my views as spiritual rather than religious. People will come up and say, “You know why don’t you talk about religion. Are you a Christian?” I say, “Yes, I’m a Christian, but I don’t feel it’s necessary for me to explain the things that I’m trying to explain here in terms of moral and ethical values.” I don’t make anything out of my religion, because I don’t want people to be turned off because I’m a Methodist or a Baptist or a Catholic or whatever. And when I quote from Pope Francis, I tell people, “I’m not a Catholic, but you can learn a lot you know from people like Pope Francis regardless of whether you’re religious or not.”

We just need to start thinking in terms of our ethical and moral values and giving those priority over our economic values. We have to give priority to deeper ethical and social values. We have to give that priority over economic values or we’re not going to be able to sustain our economy.

I tell people, “There’s no way you can sustain society at the level we are now without having an economy. But there’s no way you can sustain the economy unless you take care of society and this ability of people to get along and function together and that the people take care of the earth and our natural resources.”

We have to find the courage to give priority to ethical and social values over our individual economic self-interest.

Nathan: Thank you so much. You’ve helped me both in this conversation and in your writings to have a framework for thinking about the economy and agriculture and how all those things that relate.

John: I appreciate the opportunity to visit with you. I think what I’m doing now is my purpose so you are going to help me fulfill my purpose. So I thank you for that.