Archives For Nathan Aaberg

Cover of Wild Hope

My friend Jon Terry from the Au Sable Institute sent me a surprise gift in the mail – a copy of the book Wild Hope: Stories for Lent from the Vanishing by Gayle Boss. The book has six sections for the six weeks of Lent. Each section features the profiles of four animals, from the Chinese pangolin and black-footed ferret to the Amur leopard and golden riffleshell mussel. Each profile opens your eyes and heart to the wondrous qualities of the animal. Gayle also shares, in an understated yet poignant way, the challenges each species faces to survive.

Because Gayle is such a gifted writer, it’s hard to resist sharing a multitude of excerpts. Here are two from her introduction that get to the purpose of Wild Hope: 

“Attention to the amazingness of our arkmates routes us directly to the heart of Lent. The season means to rouse us from our self-absorption.”

“The promise of Lent is that something will be born of the ruin, something so astoundingly better than the present moment that we cannot imagine it. Lent is seeded with resurrection. The Resurrection promises that a new future will be given to us when we beg to be stripped of the lie of separation, when the hard husk suffocating our hearts breaks open and, like children, we feel the suffering of any creature as our own. That this can happen is the wild, not impossible hope of all creation.”

I highly recommend this book for you and your family. You will more deeply treasure God and God’s Creation. Your heart will also go out to the men and women who are dedicating their lives to preserve the life of God’s earth. Gayle’s writing will affirm your own convictions and heart for the life around us. You’ll be struck by the beautiful art of David G. Klein. And the book will move your heart in new ways during this Lenten season

I’m grateful to Gayle for writing this book. She generously took time to respond to four questions I had for her.

Nathan: You write in the introduction to Wild Hope, “I didn’t hear all creation groaning when my sons were young. I was oblivious to the millions dying, their kinds never to be seen on the earth again.” Can you share how you came to be a Christian, a writer, and a Christian writer called to communicate about the life of God’s earth?

Gayle: I grew up in a church-going family (the Dutch Reformed tradition) and loved all-things-church, even as a teenager! It seemed to me the one public place where what really mattered—who we are and why we’re here—got talked about. That impulse to talk about what matters also drew me into a writing life.

I’ve tried my hand at nearly all creative literary forms, from long-form journalism to haiku. In my early forties I wrote a 535-page failed novel. The wish to write about animals and how close bonds with them make us more deeply human grew on me so slowly I’m not sure I can trace it.

This much seems true: When my sons were young, their love of animals woke a long-dormant attention to animals in me. I remembered how I would cry when my father and uncles hung up deer they’d shot from the branches of a big oak tree to bleed out. And I remembered how the rest of the family laughed at my tears. The venison was part of our winter food supply, my food supply, too.

Led by my children, I let my original tenderness for animals rise again. I noticed how good that felt, even when I experienced an animal suffering. I felt more alive, more free. I now believe that’s because I reconnected with the One Love planted in all things at their creation; the love at my core calls to the love at their core. Restoring that connection is a path back to our deepest selves and back to the beloved community of all created things that we call Eden or The Peaceable Kingdom, where “They will not hurt or destroy in all (God’s) holy mountain.”

Nathan: Please share what your goals were for Wild Hope and why you believe attentiveness to “..the amazingness of our arkmates routes us directly to the heart of Lent.”

Gayle: As with All Creation Waits, I wanted to wake, or fan, in readers the kind of love for animals that was dormant for so long in me—a love that doesn’t “cute-ify” them, but sees each one as “a word of God and a book about God,” as Meister Eckhart said. In that first book, I wrote about animals that many of us see regularly, like skunks, raccoons, and chickadees.

In Wild Hope, I describe animals most of us will never see in the wild, from orangutans to olms. I wanted to describe their magnificence and tell their stories, including the stories of their suffering on a planet we’ve made unlivable for them. I thought that if I could tell their stories in such a way that we readers would be drawn into their worlds, our defenses could melt, and we could grieve their suffering. We could see them as expressions of God’s own self and God’s own suffering—at our hands. Which is the white-hot core of Lent.

It’s important to me that we readers respond to the animals’ stories first with love, not shame and guilt. Because we’ll only make the radical life-changes that will protect the earth for all animals, including us, if we’re motivated by love. Guilt-motivated change may work for the short term, but it can’t be sustained. Over the long haul, we only protect and save what we love.

Gayle Boss in woodsNathan: What animal of God’s earth most captivates your heart? Why?

Gayle: Of course you know that I’m going to say I’m smitten by every animal I see and learn about. And it’s true, I really am!

The “episode” of each animal’s story that most undoes me, though, comes when, faced with impending death, they desperately do everything in their power to protect their young. While researching and writing Wild Hope, I saw that episode occur over and over: The mother polar bear struggling to keep her cubs afloat in seas without ice floes, and failing; Laysan albatrosses watching their chicks sink into lethargy from plastic poisoning, and die; the pangolin mother curling around her baby when the poacher pulls her out of her den. As a mother, to recognize that my actions, our actions, inflict the worst suffering I can imagine on other mothers was almost more than I could bear.

Learning the stories of these animals swelled my love for them, and love wouldn’t let me look away from their suffering. It made me fiercer in my commitment to change parts of my life that contribute to their suffering. We only protect and save what we love.

Nathan: What role do you believe art can play in inspiring Christians to understand God’s love for the whole world (including our “nonhuman kin”), to act on that understanding, and to somehow work through the despair and grief we experience as we see our nonhuman kin suffering?

Gayle: I don’t believe we’ll ever “understand” God’s love for all created things. Understanding is a motion of the mind, and God’s love for all things is way beyond our minds. It can happen, though, that we’re grasped by God’s love for all created things. Somehow, that “beyond us” Love that created the universe finds an opening in the hard husk of our egos and “cuts us to the heart,” as It did those who heard Peter tell the Jesus-story at Pentecost. Once Love has got hold of our hearts, it changes how we see everything. And when we see differently, we behave differently. “If your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light,” Jesus says.

At their best, stories, visual art, dance, and music bypass the mental constructs we use to defend ourselves and our walled-off ways of living. True art is the dart Divine Love uses to cut to our hearts. Suddenly or slowly, it reveals a new way of perceiving a world we thought we knew. Think of how differently the night sky appears once we’ve been struck by Van Gogh’s “The Starry Night.” What was static is suddenly full of energy and motion and presence.

It’s important to say that art doesn’t always pierce our thick husks with what we find beautiful. Sometimes art seems ugly or threatening, troubling. Van Gogh’s neighbors did not think The Starry Night” was beautiful. They thought he was a crazy man making unpleasant, offensive paintings – that’s how new his way of perceiving was.

But for those of us who can allow even a crack in our armor, God can use art to peel the scales from our eyes and show us a universe pulsing with Presence, with creative energy unbounded. That vision becomes so compelling, we want to do everything we can to make ways for God’s always-creating energy to manifest in the visible world. “Working for change” isn’t a burden we bear but a dance we cannot help but do. As Paul says in the fifth chapter of Romans, “We rejoice in the hope of sharing in God’s glory.”

At the same time, we also suffer more deeply with the suffering. But as Paul goes on to say, “We rejoice in our sufferings,” because somehow suffering leads to a hope that “does not put us to shame, because the love of God has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit.”

My limited experience tells me that in suffering we sink more deeply into the heart of God, into the Love that is at the core of the Universe—at our core—and know ourselves to be truly alive. Sunk in that Love, we also know that it is the truest thing in the universe—it’s the origin of the universe—and that Love cannot but have the final say. We carry on in the irrepressible hope that God is the one “who gives life to the dead and calls into being the things that are not.” (Romans 4:17)

That’s the Wild Hope at the center of the book Wild Hope: Stories for Lent from the Vanishing. I hope the stories reveal the pulsing presence of God in each creature and the drive of Love for that creature to survive. That’s a drive I want to join.

My son and I are continuing our reading journey through the Bible, and we’re now deep into the words of the prophets. They wrote their words more than two millennia ago. Yet, I’m finding they resonate deeply with what we face in climate change today.

The reading, I must admit, is not easy. These are all books replete with repeated, vivid expressions of anger, desperation, grief, judgment. Calamity was going to come, the prophets declared. And then it came in the form of the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple.

Isn’t climate change, and all that it is bringing, very similar?

Despite many warnings for many decades, climate change is underway. And change is not even the right word. What is happening to the climate of God’s earth change is not at all similar to an oil change or changes to a baseball team’s lineup. What we are really beginning to see unfold is change bringing chaos.

The world, both the people and the earth itself, is already suffering as a result. Much worse is yet to come.

There is a great deal to write about climate chaos and what it means for God’s earth, our lives as Christians, and the future of the Church. But for now, as a way of entering the topic, I want to highlight three points of resonance for me between the prophets and the situation we face today.

The Prophets Were Ignored (and Worse)

The people of their times, as far as I can tell, largely ignored the prophets. Those who didn’t ignore them tended to persecute them. Jeremiah in particular suffered for speaking God’s judgment.

Dominique Antoine Magaud

The book of Jeremiah depicts leaders and officials defying the judgments and warnings God was providing through Jeremiah (depicted in the painting above by Dominique Antoine Magaud) in astoundingly cavalier ways. In chapter 36, for example, we read of King Johiakim calling for Jehudi to get the scroll of Jeremiah’s words and read it to him. Here’s what follows in verses 22 through 24:

The king sent Jehudi to get the scroll, and Jehudi brought it from the room of Elishama the secretary and read it to the king and all the officials standing beside him. It was the ninth month and the king was sitting in the winter apartment, with a fire burning in the firepot in front of him. Whenever Jehudi had read three or four columns of the scroll, the king cut them off with a scribe’s knife and threw them into the firepot, until the entire scroll was burned in the fire. The king and all his attendants who heard all these words showed no fear, nor did they tear their clothes.

Likewise, many people do not want to listen to the prophets of climate change and the chaos it is bringing. Online trolls harass scientists like Dr. Katharine Hayhoe and others. The Trump administration is actively hostile to climate science and to the U.S. government staff who study it and warn about it. The administration and its supporters are, in effect, modern day Johiakims.

What’s even more disturbing is that climate change has become, more than ever, a partisan issue. Republicans, many of whom are Christians, refuse to make common cause with Democrats to address it.

Why the resistance?

The kings and people of Israel, especially the people of power, enjoyed the status quo. They couldn’t imagine having to give things up or admitting they had trespassed against God’s will or had worshipped other gods.

Similarly, we don’t want to give up the many rewards of the way our economy runs today. We don’t want the rules of the game to change. And in the case of climate change, the rules we don’t want to change are, ironically, a lack of rules and restraints. Like the people of Judah, we resent constraints on how we live and do business.

Isaiah highlighted the uselessness of idols in chapter 46:5-7 in a striking way. God asks:

With whom will you compare me or count me equal?

To whom will you liken me that we may be compared?

Some pour out gold from their bags and weigh out silver on the scales;

they hire a goldsmith to make it into a god,

and they bow down and worship it.

They lift it to their shoulders and carry it;

they set it up in its place, and there it stands.

From that spot it cannot move.

Even though someone cries out to it, it cannot answer;

it cannot save them from their troubles.

It occurs to me that the idols that the Judeans worshipped at this time actually, in all probability, had a compellingly tangible appeal. The stone and woods idols were things they could see and touch. There may have even been some artistic flair to them. There was, on the other hand, no tangible representation of the true God in their culture. Worshipping an intangible God and living out a complex set of requirements took persistent faith and commitment that made them, well, weird in the world they lived in. In contrast, the concrete imagery and heft of the idols likely required less faith and were easy on the heart. The idols rewarded the desires of their worshippers.

Likewise, we can see and touch all of the tangible benefits of our current economy and technology. They meet our desires and even create new ones. We have not shown the ability to restrain ourselves from unquestioningly accepting all technologies and systems.

Our desires have become our idols. Resisting our desires out of love and duty to our invisible God is something we don’t want to do. This would require persistent faith, commitment, sacrifice, and tenacity of heart in countercultural ways.

We are, actually, not so different from the people the prophets criticized so harshly.

Face-to-Face with Shattering Realities

I encourage you to read this essay by Leonie Joubert entitled “End-of-life anxiety and finding meaning in a collapsing climate.”

Leonie writes of the similarity between the person who receives the diagnosis of an incurable cancer from their doctor and the person (like herself) who has paid attention to unfolding climate science and recognizes that:

We’ve already dumped so much carbon pollution into the atmosphere that we have a “baked in” temperature increase of 3°C, regardless of whether we shut off all emissions right now or not.

What do you do if you are the person receiving that grim diagnosis of cancer? You may well go for end-of-life therapy, whether that’s through a therapist or through a pastor or other wise person, to process all of the intense feelings that well up.

Where do you go when you come to realize our trajectory is towards ever more dramatic climate change impacts that will bring misery for the people and planet God loves?

Therapists are beginning to realize that they need to know how to respond to people with that recognition and the accompanying despair. But it’s not exactly like helping the person with a cancer diagnosis. Leonie describes how the therapy field is wrestling with these challenges:

How does it respond to people living in an unrepairable situation? Therapy’s function is to heal the individual. How does it respond when the illness is society-wide? It focuses on healing what has happened in the past. What do we do when today’s illness is because of what will unfold in our personal and collective future?

It strikes me that the prophets were also dealing with society-wide illness for which there was both personal and collective responsibility.

This takes me to a fundamental question – why were so many words of the prophets preserved and not, for example, the words of the kings of their times? The prophets were, after all, the ultimate outsider radicals of their time.

I can think of a number of reasons. One was as a warning of God’s anger towards those given a special mission by God who willfully turned away from what that mission required of them.

Another was to forcefully make the point that the natural leanings of human nature – towards comfort and tangible personal and national benefits – are not what God calls us towards. Instead, we need our hearts to be remade by God so that what matters to God matters to us above all else. Even when what God wants forces us to choose the harder path.

Yet another reason was to compel those who read the words to think twice before silencing and persecuting those who question the status quo and see doom at the end of trends unfolding in our time.

Destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonia Army by Jan Luyken. What art will be produced of the results of the chaos coming from climate change?

And I wonder if perhaps the vivid, shattering depictions of prophecies and events were meant to explode our hearts  and to resonate with what we would feel as we encounter ever more grim realities in our time. Some of the most shattering images of impending chaos and destruction can be found in the prophets.

Read, for example, Lamentations’ description of the fall of Jerusalem. Here’s just a taste of it from chapter 2:11-12 (I’ve used The Message’s translation):

My eyes are blind with tears, my stomach in a knot. My insides have turned to jelly over my people’s fate.

Babies and children are fainting all over the place, Call to their mothers, “I’m hungry! I’m thirsty!” then fainting like dying soldiers in the streets, breathing their last in their mothers’ laps.

The prophets are records of deep, collective trauma. Perhaps in some mysterious way they will be therapeutic for the deep, collective trauma that is to come.

Messages of Future Hope

Even Lamentations has words of hope for the future. Isaiah’s words of hope are incredibly beautiful and include God’s earth. The hope is generated not by expectations that people would suddenly become good and just. What generates the hope is the love and commitment of God.

I struggle with this. Is it possible to have hope for future joy and restoration when the world God loves and I love faces destruction?

It is all too easy for Christians to set up camp in the happy place of faith and hope in God. This leads to ignoring of the plight of the oppressed and the continued crushing of the vitality of the life of God’s earth. There is no sense in the Bible that future hope for tomorrow excuses us from acting out of devotion, compassion, and active love today.

Yet, the prophets and the Gospels, without question, also give us hope. We cannot camp out exclusively in the place of despair, hopelessness, and desperate urgency either.

The prophets remind us that our faith and faith-lives rest on paradoxes. They require us to have the ability to hold two different concepts in tension at the same time.

And paradox is where climate change and the prophets leave us.

Are we alarmed and active or are we hopeful? We need to be both.

Consider this scenario. What was the average devout Judean person supposed to do when they heard Isaiah or Jeremiah crying out on the streets and actually believed what the prophet was saying? What would he or she do when they got home? What would they say to their family?

I imagine them recommitting themselves to being devout by following the rules of their at that time. If they had idols, they would have destroyed them. They would have redoubled their focus on worshipping God and praying to God. I imagine them doing so even in the face of ridicule from neighbors worshipping their idols.

Their faithfulness to God would inevitably have made them compassionate to the vulnerable around them. The prophets highlighted vulnerable people, like widows and orphans. I want to believe that they would naturally have treated animals kindly as well.

To the degree that they had influence with their tribes, friends, and neighbors, I believe they would have called on them to follow God in their lives as well.

I imagine the family cherishing the Temple, knowing that it was facing destruction and would be no more. I imagine them cherishing the land they owned and farmed and the larger landscape that God had given their people. They knew they would be taken away from it, assuming they even survived. It would have been even more dear to them.

And I imagine them, paradoxically, preparing their family for chaos and disruption ahead even as they poured into their children the promises of hope that the prophets included in their warnings and promptings. “Do not forget!” they would tell their children. “And do not let your children forget!”

Alertness to the true condition of the world.

Devoutness and prayer.


Cherishing the beauty of what God had given them.

Active preparation for chaos to come.

Urging society, family, and friends to repent and change.

Compassionate actions for the vulnerable.

Deepening of their faith commitment.

Hope for the ultimate future mixed with grief for the immediate future.

This set of responses, seemingly contradictory at times, is what I imagine people of the prophets’ time doing out of conviction and belief.

As a Christian in a time of climate change, these responses make sense to me today as well.

This wraps up my three-part series about how to live rightly on and with God’s earth. The first part focused on how to live within the context of your life and your family’s life. The second part pointed towards engagement in community and civic life. This third part goes in an unexpected direction. It goes inside. To your heart.

Start with the Heart

I am convinced that the core reason we don’t progress in living ever more holy, courageous, and loving ways towards other people and God’s earth is that we haven’t given our hearts fully to God. In other words, we haven’t allowed God’s Spirit to work with us to make our hearts new.

Are you thinking, “Why would my emotions have anything to do with the state of the world?” If so, then we need to take a step back.

In the Bible, the heart is the center of not only our emotions but also our will and even thoughts. The Bible sees them as a whole unit.

This is why Proverbs 4:23 is the epitomy of wisdom. There we read, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”

This parallels what Jesus said about our actions in the world being the fruit of who we are deep inside. In Matthew 12:34-35 we hear Jesus saying:

...For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things. And an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things.

And this is the way Peter Kreeft puts it in Prayer: The Great Conversation:“The heart is what wills, what loves. Purity of heart is to will only what God wills.”

I’ve come to believe that the Good News of the Christian faith is that by believing in Jesus we are made right before God and a door is opened that allows God to begin to reshape our whole inner being. And this reshaping begins to align our everyday lives with God’s ways. That, in turn, will bring forth good things, good fruit. Our eternal life begins right then.

If our hearts are in the process of being transformed in this way, then we will be on the way to compassion, mercy, and the courage. We will perceive the world as God perceives it. Through God’s wisdom, we will then be able to bravely apply God’s love in the right ways in this world.

This is why, I believe, in John 3:16 God’s love of this whole world is connected with individual people coming to ongoing belief in Jesus. Believing people will have pure hearts that generate good actions that will radiate out, bringing goodness to all of Creation.

Christians have recognized this. William Penn wrote, “True godliness does not turn people out of the world, but enables them to live better in it and excites their endeavors to mend it.”

When we are new creations through grace and God’s work in us, we will literally not be able to turn on loving kindness in some situations and turn it off in other others.

And when we do things counter to God’s shalom way of living, our hearts will tell us and unsettle us. This will shape how we treat people. This will also be the case for how we treat God’s earth.

Grow Your Heart

So how do you allow your heart to be filled with God’s love?

The following are my suggestions from what I currently know and have experienced. I am still growing in these areas.

Worship Jesus and study his life: Fully giving of ourselves to authentic worship is not just something we offer Jesus. It also immerses us in the true reality of life in which we are humble being, overwhelmed by God’s love and majesty. Studying the life and words of Jesus has a powerful and complementary impact as well.

Pray: Pray daily. And make it a habit to make much of your prayer listening to God and being aware of what is happening in your heart. I’d suggest praying in the morning and then doing a prayer review at night about your day. What were the blessings of the day? The challenges? Where do you need forgiveness? Where do you need a changed heart and new patterns of living? Start focusing on specific aspects of the way you live and interact. Are you too quick to anger or are you too slow to speak up for your boundaries or God’s?

Above all, ask God to fill your heart, to align your will with God’s.

Do spiritual disciplines: I’d encourage you to read The Spirit of the Disciplines by Dallas Willard. This has deep insights. He highlights, for example, disciplines of abstinence (like solitude, silence, fasting, frugality, and sacrifice) and disciplines of engagement (like Bible study, worship, and prayer). Begin to grow your heart and the heart of your family by beginning to adopt further disciplines into your life.

Be with people with transformed hearts: The people we are with often shape who we are and who we become. Find people whose hearts and minds have been transformed as a result of their faith. Sometimes you will find them in churches. Sometimes you will find them in other places. Purposefully reach out to them. Spend time with them. Learn about their paths and their habits.

Be attentive: Mary Oliver wrote, “Attention is the beginning of devotion.” Being attentive to Creation around you in heart-centered way can grow your devotion to God. So become more alert to the trees, birds, insects, and other life around you. Learn about them and their patterns. Be open to their poetry, too. Like the way a toad hops or the pleasing texture and shape of an acorn. Make time to get out in the midst of the natural world as often and as long as possible.

Be attentive, too, to the Creation element that runs through the Bible. Memorize verses that relate to Creation.

In this wonderful essay Norman Wirzba made me think gardening might be another spiritual discipline of attentiveness.

Do right things: Interestingly enough, we can also grow our hearts by consciously living out wisdom and love in the world around us. In other words, by consciously choosing to do the right things we also shape patterns of will and being in our heart. This is, I’ve found, especially the case when doing the right thing is hard and even countercultural. That is when we most put our faith in Jesus.

Heart Renewal Emboldens

Don’t think of your heart’s renewal as the process of becoming quiet, passive, and powerless.

A Spirit-filled heart will give us peace but also lead us to act with bravery and strenuous commitment for what is right in God’s eyes, for building God’s kingdom.

Robert Alter’s striking translation of Psalm 27:14 reads: “Hope for the LORD! Let your heart be firm and bold, and hope for the LORD.” From the tenacity of the prophets to the lives of Jesus, Paul, and the apostles, we see God-filled people living bold, resolute lives in the face of danger and opposition.

We also see the boldness and resolutness of a God-filled heart in the life of Martin Luther King, Jr.  We hear his faith, wisdom, and pain in his letter from a Birmingham jail.

You’ll know you’ve allowed God’s Spirit to begin transforming your heart when you begin to have the fruits of the spirit in combination with fortitude and creativity in doing right.

You’ll have strong love and love-filled strength. You will do good and bold things for others and for God’s earth.


To summarize this three-part series, may we all:

Actively seek to have God’s Spirit fill and transform our hearts.

Live out love towards God’s earth in every way we can in our lives and our families’ lives.

Speak out and act courageously in the wider world for God’s earth out of God-filled hearts


As we approach the end of one year and the beginning of the next, these questions have occurred to me. They are for you and me. They are about our faith, our lives, and how they are meant to be one thing:

#1: Are you only doing what is comfortable and what will enable you to be comfortable in the future?

This question came looking for me recently. It is an unsettling one. There are a number of areas of my life right now where I am not comfortable and where things are actually very hard. And even just completely falling apart. I sometimes find myself hungering for a time when I will live easily. Without worry. Without turmoil. Without risk.

It is natural not to relish pain and sadness in our lives. Some of the pain and sadness, of course, comes from being human.

But that doesn’t mean we should avoid living in the world in ways that expose us to the potential for even more disruption and difficulty. That is a false way, away from Jesus and the kingdom of God. We are meant for more than retreat and cocooning ourselves.

Cover of Comfort Detox

I’m intrigued by the message of the book I’ve discovered by Erin Straza entitled Comfort Detox. Here’s just a bit of the book’s message:

Now that I have been redeemed by Jesus, my life is to be poured out as a drink offering to him. I have the honor of serving as his hands and feet in this world, extending comfort to all who are in need. If I am to do so, the contrary habits and patterns I’ve lived by all my life need to be undone. All the ways I’ve lived to expand my own comfort for my own benefit need to be dismantled. This includes my daily routines, my approach to relationships, and my life pur- suits. 

People and God’s Creation are in need. Are habits of comfort and convenience preventing you and me from uplifting people and Creation? For myself I would need to say, “Yes.” That needs to change.

#2: How would you explain your Christian faith in 60 seconds?

For most of us, sharing our faith is the farthest thing from comfortable. But we’re called to do it. And if a life devoted to life-transforming faith in Jesus is the Way to an endless and abundant life that can begin right now, then how could we not share it?

I’ve been downright bad at this myself. And part of the problem is not having spent the time to actually articulate what the Christian faith-life is all about in a simple, clear, yet authentic way. (Another part of the problem is that its’hard to point to churches where people will be guided into becoming disciples of Jesus in a whole, clear, structured, life-integrated way. But that’s for another post.)

I need to be able to say what exactly this faith-life is all about and why it matters. If it’s the most important thing in my life, then how I can not invest the time to develop that message?

Then, of course, I need to be ready to actually share that with people when they are in a place where they are open to that conversation.

I encourage you to be ready.

And my 60-second articulation will include God’s earth. Will yours?

#3: What is your One Thing to do in 2020 in the important areas of your life?

Cover of The One Thing

The One Thing book by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan has a powerful concept – focusing on the single most important challenge in any area of life will generate more positive impact than scattering your energies among a number of lower level challenges.

It sounds obvious.

All too often, however, we tend to look for easy wins on our to-do lists and don’t tackle those tasks that are the most meaningful. Focusing on the One Thing also helps us stay focused and be less scattered and stressed.

So what is the One Thing in the most important areas of your life that you’ll want to get after in 2020?

In your faith-life? In your family life? Your key relationships? Your life calling? The One Thing is not necessarily what seems most urgent, although it could be. Sometimes the One Thing is something more foundational and strategic. This will take conscious thought and discernment to figure out.

Too often, you and I are reacting to the firehose of life. And when we get to the end of a precious year of our life and we’ll find we haven’t moved the needle on what matters most.

So schedule some time with yourself to figure out those One Things for your own life. Also schedule some time or even a weekend away with your significant other to plan the One Things of your life together

It’s my observation, too, that often the most important One Thing in any particular area will not depend on some one-time grand gesture but upon your ability to create new, good habits. Find ways to build good habits into the design of your life.

#4: How are you loving people and Creation back together?

What is the One Thing you will do that will help God’s earth thrive despite all of the odds against that? What can you do to help people and God’s earth thrive together?

As you think about this last question, I’d encourage you to live this out your values through the everyday habit of consciously choosing to buy food whenever possible that has been produced in ways that are compassionate to God’s earth.

I recognize this is a repeating theme from me. But I repeat it because it is so clear to me and so important. Agriculture is where people and God’s earth come together 24/7 all around the world on a massive scale. If we integrated God-filled compassion into agriculture and our food economy, then we would be loving God and loving our neighbors to a remarkable degree.

Eat your values. Eat with love.

#5: Are you using your most distinctive and special gifts?

Do you know what your most distinctive and special gifts are? Can you articulate them?

If you can’t name them, then you have a great opportunity in front of you. By discovering what they are, you’ll be able to bring what is most uniquely you front and center in your life. You’ll then be able to make more of a difference then you imagined possible for your neighbor and God’s earth. This will also bring great satisfaction to you.

#6: Are you sharing your giving with work that protects and restores God’s earth?

If God’s earth matters to you, your answer to that question should be yes.

Your financial resources are a subset of your gifts. Consider giving for God’s earth beyond what is easy and comfortable.

I fundamentally believe we cannot love God and love our neighbor if we mar and destroy God’s earth. Giving is a way to help groups of help protect and restore God’s earth in ways we can’t as individuals.

#7 Has the richness and complexity of the Bible surprised you lately?

I spoke to a coworker recently who told how her father’s life began to change after he began to read the Bible everyday. It has that kind of power.

The Bible is rich and complex. Working to understand it and how it all fits together in our lives is the work of a lifetime. It will grow your heart and mind. It will also challenge you.

The whole Bible should inform and shape your faith-life, Even the books of the Bible that are poetic and challenging. Like Job and Ecclesiastes. Even the Song of Songs.

Don’t just rely on sermons. Read it yourself. Find books that will help you understand what you read (as an aside, Peter Kreeft’s insights into Song of Songs in Three Philosophies of LIfe are wonderful).

Pay attention to how God’s earth is integrated into much of the Bible.

Find ways, too, to experience reverence and awe towards God. Awe and reverence (otherwise known in the Bible as “fear”) are the beginning of wisdom. They are the foundation of how we should perceive all that we perceive in the world.

I’ve found that surrounding myself in God’s world and understanding even the smallest aspects of Creation (like mycorhizzal fungi) are good ways to do so. As is music.


May the coming year be rich in faith, spiced with joys, and full of satisfaction and purpose for you and your loved ones.



My first blog post on how to live rightly with Gods’ earth focused on habits and choices in our personal lives.

If Christians around the world lived out their faith in those ways, ripples would radiate outward in cumulatively world-changing ways.

But actions at the personal and family level only go so far.

Slavery wouldn’t have ended, for example, if Christians and others had only committed themselves to not having slaves themselves.

Beyond the family at every level – church, neighborhood, town, city, state, nation – systems are in place and decisions are made that have wide implications for our neighbors and God’s earth. We cannot leave our morality at home and just go along for the ride. We need to be voices for God’s kingdom in the wider world.

In this post, I share ideas on ways you can have influence in building God’s kingdom beyond yourself and your family as it relates to God’s earth.

You and I do not have unlimited resources of time and money. Nor is our sphere of influence infinite. Nor is the careful shepherding of Creation the only moral issue to be attentive to. But if you read this, it’s clear that you care. So inaction is not an option.

My advice is to focus your energies. Find a few things to do in your wider sphere of influence that move your heart and pour your energies into them. 

A Vast Choir of Life

Earlier in November my younger son and I finished reading Psalms together as we continue our journey through the Bible. One of the many verses that resonated with me was Psalm 150:6 – “Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD.”

We are part of a vast choir of life that is sustained by God. When we worship God we are joining the rest of Creation in doing so in some mysterious, ineffable way.

It follows that the way we live as communities and as a society should minimize any harm to the other people and other living things that are part of that choir.

In his book The Marvelous Pigness of Pigs, Christian farmer Joel Salatin writes:

Christians who preach and believe that food and life are fundamentally biological rather than mechanical garner consistent credibility when preaching God’s specialness. In order for our faith message to resonate and carry weight, others must see us promoting a consistent view toward life in general. If God is the ultimate giver of life, Christians should be the ultimate defenders of that life.

Unfortunately, there is much that we do as communities and as a society that harms and even needlessly destroys members, and even whole sections, of the choir around us. There are specific decisions that do this. There are systems of laws and policies that promote and permit this.

So what can Christians like you and I to do about it on this larger scale?

#1: Pay attention to God’s earth and how we treat it

You cannot be part of efforts to protect and restore God’s Creation if you aren’t aware of how God’s earth works.

So begin with having eyes that see and ears that hear how the ecological systems of God’s earth work when they are allowed to work. Read. Attend lectures. Listen to podcasts. Study online. Get outside and observe. Learn to identify trees or flowers or birds. Restore a plot of land to natural habitat.

One of the benefits of paying attention to the systems of God’s earth is to grow in appreciation for our Creator God and to learn to think more holistically. This is a joy and a way of worshipping God.

Pay attention, too, to where the marvelous workings of those systems are being marred and disrupted by human systems and activities at all scales. Pay attention with your mind and your heart.

You should work to understand the decisions people and communiites make on they treat God’s earth. On a large scale, you’ll want to think about our systems that shape and influence how God’s people and earth are treated. Economic systems. Political systems. Culture. You must then question whether those systems as they are applied are compatible with the values we see in the Bible. Compare them with what we see in Jesus and in the principles behind the laws God gave to the people of Israel.

At the local level, you’ll want to be aware of what your county, town, or city are doing as it relates to God’d earth. Do they exhibit good, thoughtful stewardship? Are they allowing factory farms to be built? Does your town have a strategic plan? Does that plan consider and seek to protect the life of the land and water within its boundaries?  Is your town having beavers trapped and killed when there are wise alternatives?

#2: Be a voice and leader where you are

We all have a voice. We are all in a position to lead, whether it is nationally or at a very local level. Whether we are speaking of our neighborhood, town, workplace, or church, we are all in a place where we can have impact.

There are, of course, many aspects of our world that are broken. People and Creation suffer in a multitude of ways. We cannot respond and tackle every element of brokenness while still living our everyday lives. We must trust at times that others of faith are also working.

But if you are reading this, then you likely already feel a tugging on your heart about Creation. That is a holy tugging.

Here are examples of how you can be a voice and leader:

Call for your church to pay attention to Creation in all it does. Change, for example, the food it eats for major church-wide events. If your church has land not used for anything, consider making it available for local food farming or turn it into a beautiful garden that also functions as bird habitat.

Be a voice at work for sustainability, whether that means thoughtful materials sourcing or deciding against seeking certain projects that would worsen the health of Creation.

Speak up at a town, county, province, or prefecture meeting about an issue related to God’s earth. Even at a dinner party.

Write letters to your representatives about environmental issues

Create art, whether that be books or music or paintings, around your faith and God’s earth

Start up new things, like a farm to table program at your children’s school or even a non-profit

Join a protest

Organize a clean-up or lead volunteers in the restoration of a natural area

Consider Creation when thinking about who to vote for.

Be brave in anything you do. You will not always be understood.

Be discerning, too. The larger the issue the more complex. Know the complexities. Speak truth in love. Don’t allow your passion to push you into simplistic or hateful messages.

Find renewal for your energies and efforts through prayer and friends who share your convictions.

#3: Support people & organizations who are leading

For voices and leaders to have impact, they need people who follow and support. You can make a difference by supporting those who lead and whose voices are prophetic.

The story of Nehemiah and the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem is a great example. Nehemiah led this effort but he could not do it alone. The third chapter of Nehemiah is an interesting one. We read of the people and groups that helped with the larger effort of renewing a whole encircling wall by rebuilding particular sections. Clearly there was an appeal that went out from Nehemiah. People responded in a focused way.

Who are the Nehemiahs today who are speaking and acting for God’s earth?

Sometimes they are individuals, iike Katharine Hayhoe, a Christian climate scientist.

Katharine Hayhoe image from her website

Katharine Hayhoe is an example of a Christian leading efforts to preserve and renew God’s earth. (Image from her website)

Oftentimes, local, regional, national, and international non-profit organizations lead the way in protecting and renewing God’s earth. Generously support those whose work and approach resonate with you. Think of these organizations as extensions of yourself. I’d be happy to communicate with you about how to choose good organizations and to how to plan your giving in this area.

When you know an individual speaking and acting for God’s earth, encourage them and support them as tangibly as possible.

Speaking for God’s earth and the vulnerable lpeople who most depend on forests and oceans can be very challenging. In some places, it is a calling that puts your life at risk. When a particular leader, even at the most local level, steps forward to do what is right, they need real support.

Good friends of mine have, out of their faith convictions, started a farm that is raising animals in humane ways that build the life of the soil and produce healthy, nutritious meat. At fairs and other places, there are many people who encourage them and express their admiration for them. But then, in the next moment, walk away without ever actually buying the meat they are selling. Don’t be that kind of person. If you believe in what leaders and advocates are doing, do something tangible to support them.

#4: Be open to the Spirit moving you or a loved one to a life calling of earth stewardship ministry

If you are young and choosing a major or getting ready to launch into your professional life, be open to a tugging at your heart from the Spirit.

Be prudent and discerning in responding to a call. It is definitely possible to learn what you need to learn by doing. But you can sometimes make more significant impact in the long-term if you’ve already developed skills going into that calling. A non-profit leader for an environmental group I’ve gotten to know recently, for example, recently earned an MBA. This is enabling him to think more strategically and to manage the organization’s structure more effectively.

If you are mid-career and feeling called to apply your skills in a way that benefit God’s earth, be open to that call. Ideally, that call or that purpose will build on some of the skills you have and connections you’ve already made.

If you are nearing retirement and want to continue to have purpose and meaning after you leave your professional life, explore getting involved with the defense and renewal of God’s earth.

Remember, too, that you don’t necessarily need to have skills related to plants, animals, and ecology to be useful. Much of the future of Creation rests on what happens within human society and its built environment, where Creation and human activity meet. We need Creation-minded farmers. We need engineers who care about God’s earth. We need storytellers and artists. We need nutritionists who pay attention to the connection between farming methods and the quality of food people we eat. We need educators and teachers. We need entrepreneurs who can create businesses that create value in ways that renew the earth rather than depleting it.

And when your child shows an interest in nature and wants to be a scientist or get involved with an environmental club or be an advocate of some sort, support that calling.

God bless you and guide you as you act bravely and follow God’s ways in all dimensions of your life.