I want to share news of an unusual and free webinar by Allen Williams, Ph.D. on what the Bible presents on earth stewardship next Thursday (December 30) at 7 p.m. CST. I’ve registered, and I hope you will, too.
The webinar is entitled Biblical Stewardship: What the scriptures tell us about our role as Earth’s caretakers. Go to this page, and you’ll find the link to click on to actually register.
I felt compelled to share news of this because of who Allen Williams is. As this profile details, he is a sixth generation family farmer and, as he says it, a “recovering academic.” He is one of the tireless, dedicated regenerative farmer pioneers who has been teaching other farmers how to achieve the same success and satsifaction while rejuvenating God’s earth. I’ve read articles of his. I’ve attended presentations and field walks. I’ve heard him on podcats (this is a great one, by the way). His faith and his convictions come through in all he does.
In short, Allen is a gifted and passionate teacher whose energy and insights are inspiring. If he is going to do something, it will be good and thoughtful. I am very interested to hear what he has to say about the Bible. Are there things he’ll share that you and I have not heard before? There may well be.

Allen Williams, seen here educating attendees of a field walk about adaptive grazing, is a Christian and former academic who has dedicated his life to helping farmers adopt regenerative practices.
The webinar is being organized by Understanding Ag. Based in Alabama, Understanding Ag is a company that provides consulting and advising to farmers who want to move their operations in a regenerative direction. The company’s consultants include some of the most successful and pioneering regenerative farmers and experts in the country.
The vast majority of Understanding Ag’s webinar are on agricultural thinking and practices that, when used by farmers, can bring back life to their soils. So it’s intriguing that a company like that would offer a faith-focused webinar.
But it’s not completely surprising.
In fact, I think it’s brilliant.
Many of the best and most pioneering regenerative producers and experts are Christian. The way they farm is a reflection of their faith. And a large percentage of farmers around our country attend church and take the Bible seriously.
Changing how our country farms is more of a question of values than practices. Changing how our country farms will require that our country’s farmers rethink the values behind their farming.
They, like all of us, need to see that that we have a responsiblity and a creative calling to steward God’s earth in a way that honors God. And then we must all act.
When a fellow Christian farmer speaks that truth to them with conviction and knowledge, perhaps the hearts and minds of some will be turned.
And, of course, you and I are part of our country’s agriculture as well. What we buy tells farmers to produce more of. Our hearts and minds also need to be turned and kept turned in the right direction.
I urge you to join me.
P.S. Are you interested in an online discussion about the webinar right afterwards? if so, please email me at wholefaithlivingearth@gmail.com. If I have at least five people interested, I will send out a Zoom link to those who email me. We could have a great conversation.