How is Your 2025 Creation Goal Going?

Nathan Aaberg —  January 31, 2025 — Leave a comment

In my previous post, I encouraged you to set a goal for doing something for Creation in 2025 beyond what you already do. And I urged you to make that goal a stretch goal.

How has that been going?

As I mentioned in that same post, I am committing myself to getting a podcast off the ground this year to explore the themes I have been exploring in this blog.

I’m happy to say that I’ve made some progress. I’ve worked with a designer to get a logo completed, which I will share eventually! I have also built out my guest list a little further, and I have done some further preparations by reading an excellent book about the podcast production.

What has made the difference?

Keeping a log in my journal of the time I spend each day on my blog and podcast launch project.

Since I started keeping track on December 30, I’ve done some sort of work on either or both in 33 straight days. Sometimes it’s just 30 minutes, but even in that small amount of time, I can make some progress. More importantly, working every day keeps the momentum going. It also keeps the ideas and questions I need to tackle fresh in my head. And, honestly, it just feels good to keep the streak unbroken.

Why not try it?

Even if you cannot make time every single day, logging the time you do put in will show you that you are translating ideals and goals into your life on a regular basis. It will help you make progress and get the momentum going.

The key is the habit of tracking your new habit. Whether it’s time committed or some other meaningful metric, the tracking will inspire and compel you.

One last thing – can you share any recommendations for podcasts you especially like? They can be about anything, from the Bible to politics and books. I’m always up for learning and for ideas on how to make the podcast I will do as good as possible.  You can email me at wholefaithlivingearth@gmailcom


P.S. One of the guests I plan to have on my podcast is Raymond Epp. I met Raymond recently at the AcresUSA EcoAg Conference in Madison, Wisconsin, and we hit it off pretty quickly. His calling is to make available the insights of regenerative agriculture of North America to people in Japan where he lives with his family. He has brought creativity and an entrepreneurial spirit to that calling. 

In the photo below, he joins the participants of a two-day workshop he organized in Hokkaido entitled My Regenerative Journey. The participants were mostly farmers from around Japan but also included representatives from three major corporations. All of the participants were eager to learn more about the mindset, principles and outcomes of regenerative agriculture.

Raymond and the community of Christians he is part of are also making plans to build a sacred retreat place this spring “devoted to contemplating the incarnation of the Lamb of God and the ongoing life of redeeming creation that God is inviting us all to participate in.” He closed his recent email with this encouraging phrase – “Blessed be the journey!” Isn’t that a good perspective? Blessed be your journey of whole faith.


Nathan Aaberg

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