
Please let me know if I can be of service to you, your church, denomination, or organization as you move forward in making an abiding concern for all of God’s Creation part of your whole faith.  I would welcome the opportunity to speak to audiences of other faiths and persuasions who share a common concern for this precious world. I am also ready to facilitate conversations and meetings around the topics I write about.


I would be honored to speak to a group, adult education session, youth group, conference, or a community of faith about the themes of Whole Faith Living Earth and Creation Care. Please give me adequate lead time to prepare.

Education and Discussions

The most lasting and powerful changes in perception happen when people or a community come to their own insights and convictions through open discussion and consideration. I would welcome the opportunity to facilitate discussions in your church or community about the themes explored in this blog. I balance segments of the program in which I will share information and insights with segments where I strike up discussions among the people participating

Consulting and Advice

Is your church committed to make its faith more whole by integrating a concern for all of Creation but isn’t sure how to do that?  I would be happy to talk with you to see if I could be of assistance and link you with the right resources.  I can also offer guidance in evaluating your personal or congregational options for giving to non-profit organizations that are working to mend God’s world in your community, nationally, or even internationally.

Email:  wholefaithlivingearth (at) gmail.com